Thursday, December 30, 2010

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites is a great place for artist managers to look for new talent to represent. Most up and coming artist have social networking sites to advertise and market their music. Myspace is a great location to view new talent, they have samples of their music, they have photos the manager can look through and they have their events located on their sites as well.  Artist Managers can benefit from Facebook and twitter, they can advertise their artist, they can inform the public of events and market the artist music on these sites as well, keep an up-to-date account of their artist with the fans.  Social Networking Sites is an great tool for the entertainment business.


When you are in the entertainment industry one of the most important things you can do to insure a prosporus career is to always be networking.   You never know when that person you're talking to might be in a position to help you in your career.   The internet is another great source for networking in the industry, sites such as linkedlin, Facebook, etc.  Attending events and workshops could also be a source for networking as well.  The one comon key to success in the industry is networking.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tips from seasoned artist managers in the industry is a benefit to you

I think that is a great website to get tips from seasoned artist managers in the industry.   You can view videos of interviews, conferences, and seminars.  The website gives tips on marketing, production, legal information, and other information pertaining to the industry.  You can find information on most genres.  My opinion is, if you are trying to get into the business of artist management you should locate as much information in the industry you could find to learn from.  Getting tips from the people who have been their and don’t that would help you not make some of the mistakes that have been made by others.