Sunday, June 12, 2011

Artist Branding and marketing

 As an artist manager, how an artist is marketed or branded could make or break an artist career, so working diligently getting fans and spreading the artist brand will determine if an artist will make it in the industry.  Working closely with a PR agent would be an asset for an artist and their manager because the agent would get the artist out in the media, through radio and interviews.  In most cases, artist just starting out in their career PR agents are not in the plans, self branding and marketing could be beneficial to an artist.

Lady Gaga is an example of how branding herself, helped her career skyrocket.   According to artist marketing strategy, “Lady Gaga designed a package that stood out from the crowd” in order to get people attention she had to be a performer and not just a singer.  Lady Gaga learned how to market herself, through various means and the media.  She keeps her fans engaged on the daily basis through her fan base on Facebook, which she has over 9,200,000 fans on Facebook according to the article.  She keeps everyone engaged daily through where she is going and where she is performing.  She constantly thanks her fans and supporters through her daily post, while promoting her brand she is keeping her fans engaged, as well as Facebook, Lady Gaga tweets and post on blogs.  Lady Gaga was not created by a record label or producer; she designed her own brand, as an artist and marketed herself through her shows, social media, and one of her brands is not lip singing at any of her shows as some artist do.  She delivers her brand with her elaborate performances, staging and costumes.  According to the article Lady Gaga is the first performer to have one billion hits on her videos on YouTube and 9 million plus of her music has been downloaded, that is a very strong brand.  As a artist you leverage your brand through social media, the Internet, in forums and through postings.  Artist must make contact and expand there base everyday.  Lady Gaga is constantly out there in the media, artist can learn from her on how to market and develop a brand.

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