Sunday, January 22, 2012

Distribution Deals

A manufacturing and distribution deal refers to a kind of deal between a record label and music distributor, according to Heather McDonald, from  Under the deal the distributor pays for manufacturing of the album, and recoups the costs from sales.  Distribution deals are hard to come by. 

There are pros and cons to getting a deal, you can produce albums without any upfront cost, pay less for manufacturing, and the distributor are invested so they will work hard to get it into stores.  You cannot get any money until the distributor has recouped their money back.  Some radio stations will not play your music unless you have national distribution.  The best way to start getting you product out is to start selling your own products as an independent artist, you should be able to go to a distributor and show them what you have sold on your own, let them see your numbers of what you have sold.  If they could see that you are selling your product, it could give you a better chance with the distribution companies.  It is very hard to get a deal with a distribution company because they want to see how much sold. 

If you go with a record label, before you chose the record label you should check to see if the label has a solid distribution deal on a national level, according to a article on music biz academy.  Here are a few questions to consider:

  •   How many CDs has the distributor sold of the label's product?
  •   Did the label have any problems getting paid by their distributor?
  •   What kind of working relationship do they have with their distributors on their new releases?
  •   Does the label have a budget to pay for some co-op ads, and in-store promotions through their distributor?
  • What kind of Internet distribution and online sales methods does the label use? 

Having a distribution deal could make a major difference in your career as an independent artist.  It gives you the ability to be marketed nationally in stores.  A good site to start with if you are independent artist is, they do charge a percentage of all sales, but they will get you on iTunes, and other stores.  Make sure you do research when looking for the best opportunities for your career it will benefit you through out your career as an artist.

Is it better to be an independent artist, or sign with a record label?

It really depends on the artist, because working as an independent artist you will need to work harder in both, creating your music and behind the scenes to get your music played.  No matter what you decide to do, you must have a large enough fan base so that your music is heard.  In today times, utilizing social networking is a great way to get your music heard, gain fans, and create a buzz in the industry.  Networking is one of the keys to success as an independent artist. 

An independent artist has the opportunity to keep more of his or her profit, versus an artist who signs with a label and only keeps a small percentage after everyone is paid.  A record label owns you and you are like an employee to them, you get paid according to their profits.  There are some advantages to signing with a well-established label, such as the label already has connections, major distribution, producers, etc. and they can give you large advancements money to help with other needs you may have to get you where you need to be in the industry.  It is becoming harder to get record deals these days because there are so many artists trying to make it.  There is so much competition today in the music industry; you have to bring something different and unique to be recognized or even considered.  The Internet has so much information for you to succeed as an independent artist.

I believe if you want to receive all the money you earn from your work as an artist, and you have the patience and the determination, you can make it as an independent artist, you are responsible for your success. You are your own boss, and mistakes will be made but you learn and keep moving forward.  The benefit of being successful is bringing in the revenue and keeping a larger chunk of it.