Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is the most important part of a business plan?

The business plan is a document that helps to explain the concept of the company and to secure funding from investors; it gives the investors a view of the company. A great business plan will raise the capital needed to start your business. 

I believe the financial section of a business plan is the most important, because it gives the potential investor the breakdown of the financials and it also shows were the revenue is generated from.  It will give the investor the potential profit to be made off the project. 

According to expert Dave Lavinsky most business plans fail to raise money to get a company up and running.  Two reasons why companies develop a business plan is the game plan and the strategy says Lavinsky.  I think you must have a game plan and a strategy of how you plan on developing your business and how you plan to keep the company running and bringing in the revenue needed to satisfy your investors as well as grow the business. 

What I learned from the experts that I did research on is, the plan must be realistic and the plan must fit the needs of the industry.  The plan that I am in the process of developing has the potential to gain investors, because it clearly defines the company financial growth and it shows a steady growth within 3 years.  I was able to implement a few of the 8 factors that Tim Berry identified, it is a realistic plan, it can track results, and it fits the business need of the industry.  I will also use the business plan to do follow-up in the planning process and to ensure that the plan can be communicated to my staff so that the company runs smoothly.  The business plan clearly identifies the assumptions of the company and it gives a clear view for the potential investors. 

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