Sunday, October 30, 2011

Artist Management

Artist Managers are in charge of running the business side of an artist or band’s career, because the band or artist needs to concentrate on creating the music.  The artist manager, work in many areas i.e. the promoter, agent, accountant, any role that is necessary to help that artist/band’s career.  The artist manager ensure that the artist/band is booked and paid, helps to promote a project, get the proper people who will help to move an artist/band career.  When an artist manager has a new artist trying to get established in the business, you work extra hard because you play so many roles, you are trying to establish that artist/band career in the industry.  The artist manager is the mediator between the artist/band; they play a personal role or business role.  They may be involved in image development, acquiring record deals, hiring publicists, etc.  They help in all aspects of an artist/band career; their income is usually a percentage of an artist/band earnings. 

Depending on the level of the artist/band career, artist management can be strenuous and time consuming.  It requires networking and getting to know all the lead people in the industry.  As an artist manager you should make sure you have a contract signed with the band/artist to ensure that you receive your earnings, because in some cases different contracts are utilized for i.e. concerts, booking, etc.  When reviewing contracts, you should always utilize a professional in that area, such as a lawyer.  As an artist manager you can have more than one client, it is up to you to know what you can handle at once.

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